Portrait of David Lum

David Lum

Conn Selmer Educational Clinician

David Lum is a graduate of the University of Toronto (MusBac. Ed. 1988, B. Ed. 1990). He served on the Board of Directors for the Ontario Music Educators’ Association (2000-2015) and is a charter member and Past President of the Ontario Band Association. He currently serves as President of the Lambda Iota chapter of the Phi Beta Mu International Bandmasters’ Fraternity. An active adjudicator and clinician, his honors include Honorary Life Memberships (Ontario Band Association, 2009 and Ontario Music Educators’ Association, 2020), the Keith Mann Outstanding Band Director Award (MusicFest Canada, 2009), and Laureate of the Legion of Honor (John Philip Sousa Society, 2012).

In February 2021, David retired from the Toronto District School Board, Agincourt Collegiate Institute, where he served as Curriculum Leader of Music, and conductor of the Senior Wind Symphony and Senior Jazz Ensemble.

He is currently instructor of the Tuba and Euphonium studio at York University.