Portrait of Dr. Lance Nielsen

Dr. Lance Nielsen

Conn Selmer Educational Clinician

Dr. Lance D. Nielsen is the Supervisor of Music for Lincoln Public Schools with 32 years of experience in public and higher education. He received a Bachelor of Science in Education, Masters of Music, and Doctorate of Philosophy in Music with an emphasis in Music Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

He has served as NMEA President, NAfME North Central Division President, Chair of Professional Development Committee, and is currently on the Music Program Leaders Council. Presentations include The Midwest Clinic, International Symposium on Assessment in MUED, ISME Conferences in Greece and Brazil, and state level conferences and published articles in Music Educators Journal, Teaching Music, Update: Applications of Research in Music Education, and ISTE Leading with Innovations journal. Recognitions include the NMEA Hall of Fame, 2017 UNL Hixson-Lied Alumni Award in Outstanding Achievement in Music, and 2021 NSBA Outstanding Administrator of the Year.