Image of Norbert Haas

Bach Artist

Norbert Haas

Born in 1962, Norbert Haas received his first trumpet lessons at the age of 10. In the year 1972 he already became a junior student at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik, Westfalen-Lippe in Detmold. Only one year later, he moved to Prof. Helmut Schneidewind study at the Robert Schumann Institute in Düsseldorf, Germany. Soon after he became trumpet player in the Frankfurter Opernhaus- und Museumsorchester. in 1985 he was appointed to the World Youth Orchestra and also to his current position at the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra. Together with his brass section mates from Frankfurt, he founded the ensemble „hr brass“ in 1986 and became a member of the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra in the same year for three seasons. Hass, lives in Frankfurt, is not only a sought-after trumpet player, but also teaches future generations of trumpet players. He has taught at the Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe, Germany and as a lecturer at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz.