Evelin Borges
Evelin Borges, a native of the city of Niter i - RJ / Brazil, began her studies on the trumpet in 2006, in the Assembly church of God of The Island of Conception and was a member and fellow of the Symphony Band of the Plinio Leite College and earned her undergraduate degreein Music and Portuguese Literature.In 2017 she founded the Organization of Brazilian Women Trumpeters, a milestone in the history of women trumpeters inside and outside Brazil. Borges is part of women's groups such as the Orquestra Sinfonico de Mulheres do Brasil; Damas de Ferro; Trumpet group Floreio Brasil, which performed in 2018 at the Jazz Trumpet Festival with Arturo Sandoval and Ruben Simio.In addition, she is a member of OMSG (São Gonçalo Municipal Orchestra); She is a trumpet teacher in the music programs of IBME (Brazilian Institute of Music and Education; and acts as a freelancer.