Portrait of Hans van Wingerden


Hans van Wingerden

Hans van Wingerden is a professional trumpet player from the Netherlands and a Conn-Selmer artist since 2016.In 2008 he earned his master’s degree at ArtEZ University of the Arts in The Netherlands. During this study, he was also studying a minor arranging for horn section and (large) orchestra.After his study he started playing in various bands, (pop/jazz) orchestras. As performing artist, he started touring in the theatres of The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany together with several artists such as Simply Red, Zucchero, KT Tunstall and many othersAnother highlight in his professional career is “Big band The Convocation”. As founder, leader and one of the arrangers Hans led this big band, with a mix of jazz and (black)gospel, with great passion. They recorded a live album, performed in Dutch theaters and in several national TV shows.