Portrait of Randall Hall


Randall Hall

Randall Hall is a leading interpreter of contemporary music for saxophone. Innova Recordings calls his music “high-octane, supercharged sax”, while The Wire declares that he plays with “utter confidence”, “fire and teeth”, and “unexpectedly tough beauty.” An active performer and clinician, Hall has given concerts, lectures, and master-classes around the world. Hall is the recipient of a Fulbright Grant, Frank Huntington Beebe Fund Grant, Presser Music Award, and the Premier prix in the Concour Région Ile-de-France. He studied saxophone with Claude Delangle, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Jean-Michel Goury, Kenneth Radnofsky, and Ramon Ricker, and holds degrees from the Eastman School of Music, New England Conservatory, CNR Boulogne-Billancourt, and Warner Pacific College. Dr. Hall is Professor of Music at Augustana College where he teaches saxophone, improvisation, electronic music, and music history. He is the founder and Artistic Director of the Shockingly Modern Saxophone Festival.