Portrait of Tomonori Sato


Tomonori Sato

Tomonori Sato is the Principal Trumpet of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra and a guest contract member of Siena Wind Orchestra. He is the Principal Trumpet of “Tokyo Atractive Brass”, “Brasstone” and member of “Zurasian Brass”, Black Brass Five and “T-Bros”. In addition, he works as a part-time teacher at Tokyo University of the Arts, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music and SHOBI College of Music. Sato graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts and was awarded the acanthus music award and First place at the 16th Japan Wind and Percussion Competition. Sato won Second place at the 69th and the 72nd Japan Music Competition and won a prize at the 2nd Lieksa International Trumpet Competition. He also took 3rd place in the Trumpet Division at the 6th Philip Jones International Competition. Besides, he received the prizes at domestic and overseas competitions. He studied under Haruhisa OKADA, Mineo SUGIKI, Yoshiaki FUKUDA, Edmund Cord, the late Pierre Thibaud, Matthias Höfs.