Portrait of Alex Shapiro

Alex Shapiro

Conn Selmer Educational Clinician

Alex Shapiro is a dynamic composer known for her genre-blind acoustic and electroacoustic works for all skill levels, and her creative uses of technology in performance. Published by her company Activist Music LLC, Alex's music is heard daily in concerts and broadcasts and can be found on over 30 commercially released recordings. An enthusiastic leader in the new music community, her many published writings include "Releasing a Student's Inner Composer" for the 2013 book, "Musicianship: Composing in Band and Orchestra," and "Reaching Out and Bringing Women In" for the 2020 release, "The Horizon Leans Forward…Stories of Courage, Strength, and Triumph of Underrepresented Communities in the Wind Band Field," both for GIA Publications. Two of Alex's electroacoustic band pieces, "Paper Cut," and "Tight Squeeze," are included in Volume 10 of the GIA book/CD series, "Teaching Music Through Performance in Band.” She is the Symphonic & Concert writer member of the Board of Directors of ASCAP.