Image of Dr. Jason Caslor

Dr. Jason Caslor

Conn Selmer Educational Clinician

Jason Caslor proudly serves as the Director of Bands at Arizona State University where he conducts the ASU Wind Ensemble, mentors graduate conducting students, and teaches undergraduate and graduate conducting courses.

In addition to numerous regional engagements, Caslor has conducted the United States Army Field Band, the National Youth Band of Canada, the South Dakota All State Band, the South Dakota Intercollegiate Band, and the Alberta Wind Symphony. As a researcher, he has presented his work at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic, the WASBE International Conference, and the CBDNA National Conference.

Caslor completed his doctorate in conducting at Arizona State University. Prior to earning a master's in conducting from the University of Manitoba, he earned dual bachelor's in music and education from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

List of Clinic Topics

Guest Conductor

Invite Dr. Jason Caslor to conduct an Honor Band, All-State Band, or a rehearsal to enhancethe great work being done in your community.

Squirrel! Being Present In A World That Doesn't Want Us To Be

Pico Iyer said, "In the age of distraction, nothing can feel more luxurious than paying attention." Citing such thinkers as Csikszentmihalyi, Jha, Goleman, and Hari, this session will focus on the science of attention and offer ways that it can inform how we live, study, teach, rehearse, and conduct.

Fermatas, Cues, and Cut-Offs, Oh MY!

Nothing fancy here! Bring your baton to this session that will review the basics of conducting while shifting our focus away from time keeping towards gestures that show the music and empower our students.

Of All The Bands I’ve Heard, This Is Certainly One Of Them

This session is based on many years of adjudicating bands across Canada and throughout the United States. Topics will include repertoire selection, philosophical reasons for attending festivals, and common things that keep groups from showing their best.

Pick A Tune, Prep a Tune: Planning For Success

Choosing repertoire often feels like a full time job. Then there is still the score study and actual rehearsing. UGH! This session will aim to remind us to program music we are passionate about, be honest about what our students are capable of, and be mindful of how the music we pick is essential in setting up our students for success.

Spontaneous Factory: An approach to improvisation and composition for large instrumental ensembles

This session will offer ways to include improvisation and non-traditional repertoire in rehearsals and performances that will enhance our interaction with standard repertoire and also challenge how we traditionally approach the large ensemble experience with our students. Thoughts on why improvisation is important, tried and tested games and exercises geared at introducing students to improvisation, and suggestions for unique uses of performance spaces will be offered.