Portrait of Dr. Thomas Caneva

Dr. Thomas Caneva

Dr. Thomas Caneva, Director of Bands and coordinator of the graduate wind conducting program at Ball State University, is in his forty-third year as a music educator. He previously served on the music faculties at the University of Illinois, University of Colorado, Auburn University, and University of Texas. His teaching career began at Lincoln-Way Community High School in New Lenox, Illinois.

Since his arrival at Ball State in 2006, the Wind Ensemble has been invited to perform at numerous festivals and conventions including three CBDNA National Conferences, two CBDNA Division Conferences, two ABA Conventions and three IMEA Conferences.

In 2001, Caneva was elected to membership in the American Bandmasters Association, where he serves as the Chair of the Sousa-ABA-Ostwald Composition Contest committee. He is the Indiana State Chair of CBDNA and is an elected member of Phi Beta Mu.

Dr. Caneva holds degrees from the University of Illinois, University of Texas, and University of Colorado.