Portrait of Steve Shanley

Steve Shanley

Conn Selmer Educational Clinician

Steve Shanley is the Pearl M. Taylor Professor of Music at Coe College (Cedar Rapids, IA), where he coordinates the music education and jazz studies programs, and he is also the conductor of the Cedar Rapids Municipal Band, a professional ensemble that performs over 20 concerts each year. Prior to his arrival at Coe, Dr. Shanley spent 11 years teaching middle and high school music in the Cedar Rapids Community School District. He has an active schedule as a guest conductor, clinician, adjudicator, consultant, and pianist, and he is also in demand as a composer and arranger. Over 2,000 of his works have been performed by instrumental and choral ensembles throughout the world, and his compositions appear on several state lists. Shanley is currently vice president of the Jazz Educators of Iowa (JEI) and co-chair of the Iowa Jazz Championships. In addition, he has served as reader for the College Board Advanced Placement Music Theory examination, item writer for the ETS Praxis Music examination, contributing author for Teaching Music Through Performance in Jazz, rhythm section editor for Hal Leonard’s Latin Jazz Guide, and founding president of JEI. Shanley is a member of the JEI Hall of Fame, was inducted into Sigma Alpha Iota as a National Arts Associate, and was honored with the Iowa Bandmasters Association Karl King Distinguished Service Award. He is co-host of Music Ed Insights, a podcast for K-12 music educators. Learn more about his teaching, writing, performing, and conducting at www.steveshanley.com.